Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Think small, dream big!

Several things of interest came up at my seminar.  One of the actors asked when they could be considered "professional?"  My answer was:  "You're a professional when you can say it out loud."  Being a professional has nothing to do with making money.  It's about how we see ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world.  There's a great deal to be said for identifying yourself as a professional.

I also had another thought at the seminar which is the title of this blog:  "Think small, dream big!"  What this means is that it's important to stay focused on the baby steps instead of worrying about some end result.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with having big dreams as long as you stay grounded in the present and focus on your work.  You can even apply this phrase to your daily work.  Start by writing a monologue, then try to figure out who the person in the monologue might be speaking to.  Next, you create a scene.  After that...another scene.  Perhaps, before long, you've built and entire story...and you started "small."

This Friday, April 23rd, I will be a screenwriting panelist along with Lew Hunter (often referred to as "The Godfather of screenwriting").  Lew has become a good friend and he and I will be the only two people on the panel at The Sacramento Film Festival.  The seminar begins at 2:30.  Anyone interested in attending should go to to get the details.  Perhaps I'll see you there.  If you've been reading my blogs come up and say "hello."


  1. Bill Curnutte said...

    This sounds great. Wish I could be there. Good luck!