Sunday, December 6, 2009

Let Me Help

I've recently taken note of the fact that I've had approximately 150 visitors to my site.  One of the reasons I wanted to have a blog on my web site was to allow for comments and questions.  I didn't establish my web page solely for the purpose of making money.  My biggest desire is to offer possible insights and suggestions that might help others with their writing. 

I have been fortunate enough in my career to have had some wonderful mentors.  I was able to renew one of those relationships this past week when I met with Larry Moss in San Francisco for dinner.  Larry was in the city to conduct one of his wonderful acting seminars.  Meeting with Larry reminded me of just how valuable getting great advice can be.

With the above in mind I want to encourage anyone who might visit my web page to share your thoughts, ideas, and questions with me.  You may not agree with all of my suggestions and that's fine...even healthy, but don't be afraid to ask me anything you like regarding writing.  Once I've shared my thoughts, feel free to use what you can and discard the rest.

Whether you ask for MY advice or not is really not relevant.  What is important is that you not make the mistake I made early in my career.  Out of the arrogance of youth I either refused advice or assumed I had all the answers.  I was wrong.  There was so much I had to learn and that I continue to learn.  So, allow me to help you if I can or seek out the advice and council of someone you respect.  You won't be sorry.

P.S.  If you have the chance, go see the film "Everybody's Fine."  It was a wonderful film, with some delightful surprises.  It was also VERY smartly written.  It could have easily become overly sentimental, but the writer didn't allow that to happen.  There is one clever ploy in the script that I found very insightful regarding a certain kind of parent/child relationship.  Rather than tell you what it was...go see the film yourself and tell me if you notice what I'm referring to.  In the meantime...just tell the story.