Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I haven't blogged for some time.  My only excuse is frustration.  I begin to wonder if anyone is out there?  So, in case there is, I want to make a pitch to EVERYONE.  If you REALLY want to write, find a mentor or teacher and use them.  This isn't even a pitch for myself.  What continues to amaze me is how many folks just assume writing is a piece of cake.  I suspect technology is to blame.  With the advent of computers, softeware, and spellcheck everyone assumes that writing is sort of like fill in the blank.  Indeed, it's not that "difficult" to turn on your computer, plug into the right software, and turn out a 110 to 115 page play or screenplay.  Unfortunately the minimal lack of effort involved in creating these works oftentimes leads to less than stellar results.  I'm not sure what the resistance is to learning.  What I do know is that the times in my life when I have grown the most have been the times when I have sought out professionals to show me the way.  So I encourage anyone who MIGHT read this blog to take this little bit of advice and run with it.  You won't be sorry.  AND, I say this with all sincerity, it makes NO difference to me who you find to help you but...find SOMEONE.  Good luck and...if all else fails, I'm out here.