Sunday, May 23, 2010

Over the rainbow and back

Well, I've returned from Kansas.  It was a great trip and I had the opportunity to work with a bunch of VERY talented young people.  They were all very open and receptive to what I had to offer.  I hope to do more of these workshops in the future.  I was very sorry to leave.

On my way out I spent a night in Sterling, Nebraska with Lew Hunter and his wife Pamela.  Lew is the head of the screenwriting department at U.C.L.A. and he and I have become good friends after chairing a few panels together at various film festivals.  Lew and Pamela actually to the time to drive down to Kansas to see the reading of one of my plays on my second Saturday in Kansas.

Eastern Kansas really is a hidden treasure and I recommend it as a stopping off point on any trips.  Watch out for the tornadoes though.  :-)  There were two warnings while I was there. 

I'm here if anyone needs me.  Think small, dream big.